Originally published July 28th 2024.
What’s up man.
Whenever a major event happens I like to sit back and let the dust settle a bit. I despise “ambulance chasing” as it’s known among YouTubers. That is, always chasing the latest drama for clicks as fast as possible.
It tends to create the lowest quality content with the least altitude on and facts available for a situation. “Shocking” garbage content that no one will care about sooner or later. I’m sure you haven’t looked up “influencer” responses to Will Smith smacking Chris Rock lately have you? Yeah, neither has anyone else. No one gives a fuck, the sheep have long since moved on.
With that mind, it’s been about 2 weeks since President Trump was nearly murdered on live TV, and I have some opinions to share.
First, less than an inch determined the fate of Trump’s life and the fate of America to a large extent. With Trump mostly unharmed America is changed forever. This event will land in the history books somewhere between JFK’s death and the 1981 attempt on Regan.
If Trump had been killed, the change would be a lot different and probably a lot darker. Trump being successfully assassinated in such a public and horrific way is something that could finally make white Americans snap. Europeans and WASPs tend to be pretty calm and polite until they fucking lose it. Trump is the only major vent for patriotic Americans of all creeds and colors right now and especially white Americans.
I’ve wondered for years why the shadow government/deep state hasn’t made a move on Trump. My main thinking was always risk aversion and other warfare options were still viable (e.g. lawfare, election fraud, money laundering, etc). Succeeding would risk the country exploding, failing would turn Trump into something of a real life demigod. Obviously, shit happens. People miss, plans fall apart, and so on.
I don’t know what the deal is with the shooter kid. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real, terminal mental cancer that has been spreading for years in America. It is plausible this young man was driven nuts by the media and politicians, acting alone, similar to the tranny shooter who shot up the Christian school kids last year. The language they’ve been using against Trump to demonize him has been next level insane, 24/7, for almost 10 years now.
“Trump is literally Hitler, a Russian asset, insurrectionist dictator who pees on hookers and rapes kids every weekend. If enough people vote for him, he will END DEMOCRACY, lock you in a gas chamber and shit on your grandmother’s grave personally”.
If you care to look, this kind of insane stuff - and worse - is all over Reddit and every leftist shit hole on the Internet. From retards living in mom’s basement to major celebrities and large “influencers”, there are lots of people wishing Trump was dead. One YouTuber I know “Destiny” who has engaged a lot with the manosphere has been flying off the deep end, openly celebrating the death of the fireman who was shot protecting his family at the Trump rally.
“Destiny” if you didn’t know is a raging liberal and open cuckold. After mocking the manosphere for a while, his wife finally divorced him late last year. I suppose she got bored of fucking other men in front of him. Imagine my shock.
On the other hand, there are a ton of holes for how this shooting even happened in the first place, and I can easily see government spooks/federal pigs puppeting a mentally ill kid with TDS over his phone. Guiding him, pushing him, helping setup the situation while keeping their hands clean. “Go be a hero kid” while they carefully move every security road block out of his way. Then they planned for Trump’s death and a “oopsie woopsie we made mistakes but we’ll get to the bottom of this” media circus.
It’s impossible to overstate how crazy the rhetoric has been from almost the entire legacy media and most of Trump’s political opponents over the past decade. This insane nonsense has been blaring from every news channel all this time right at the faces of lefties who don’t know what bathroom to use, think there are 500 “genders”, and believe a 9 year old should have the right to chop their own dick and balls off.
In fact, that right is sacred, you should fucking pay for it, and sign your own kids up for the butcher shop too. Don’t be a transphobe bigot. They actually call this stuff "life saving gender affirming care". I'm serious.
When you think it’s a moral imperative to teach 5 year olds about butt sex in public schools, or that you can magically become a dude by chopping your tits off, killing “literally Hitler” is a logical next step.
Ya of course let’s kill Hitler, we are the good guys and we are going to save democracy by murdering our spray tanned political opponents. These people stopped living in reality a long time ago, and there is no return journey on this one Mr. Frodo.
Second, I do think most Americans view Trump as the presumptive president at this point. Trump is a legitimate victim of an assassination attempt and the demonrats are a giant disorganized mess.
Keep in mind, Trump just defeated all of his Republican challengers, and then on top of that crushed the sitting President in one debate. That defeat was so brutal that they then tried killing him. When that failed POTUS was removed from the race by a silent coup, and is now a lame duck for the next 6 months.
Our culture has pushed victimhood as the pinnacle of moral philosophy so hard and for so long that it can’t be undone for millions of people. That level of brainwashing is usually permanent. Millions of “moderates”, “independents”, and normies are going to automatically support Trump personally now for this alone. Like the “my body, my choice” crowd who turned into vaccine Nazis at the drop of a hat (your body, my choice mother fucker), the lefties who sniff victimhood glue have completely fucked themselves. 100% defanged. Wishing “literally Hitler” a “speedy recovery” as those politicians are now doing is confusing and disorienting to the public to say the least.
The fact is formerly apolitical NPC normies have victimhood morality firmly installed in their brains. Trump is the victim. Now they will support him, because their mental firmware dictates so. Trump has the clear moral high ground in a “liberal” victim culture olympics that the commies built.
Most sheep also want to be on the “winning side” when it’s obvious in advance. Well it’s obvious now. Trump has a mountain of momentum even with the media running 24/7 propaganda for the cackling hyena lady. There isn’t a democrat alive who could beat Trump now and this will become more obvious as election day approaches.
Like it or not the attempt on his life has secured a Trump victory. I’m not convinced they can cheat enough between now and November to change that. I think the only way he doesn’t win is if another bullet hits him and actually kills him this time. For both the deep state and Trump now it’s victory or death, and both sides know it.
Third, Trump is still processing this near death experience. Everyone else is too that cares enough to pay attention, but we’re just observers. What does this really mean for America?
What it means is that warfare is eternal and everywhere. It is political, social, cultural, legal, financial, and now it has escalated to kinetic. Because all of the lawfare and propaganda has failed against Trump, they have escalated to lethal force. Sure it’s plausible the kid acted “alone”, but that seems like the least likely scenario at this point given all the facts.
For Trump this was personal. For the time being I think it’s going to calm him for the remainder of the election. He’s seizing the opportunity and that’s the way forward. But the end result will be a radicalized Trump once in office. His first term was the businessman Trump. His second term will be much more of the war-chief we deserve. A president George Washington would be proud of I hope.
I believe Trump’s children long term will be radicalized by this, especially Barron. The others are all older and spent their formative years with dad mostly being a beloved TV billionaire/businessman. Barron’s entire teenage years have been spent watching his family - and his own father above all - under constant assault by a trillion dollar media, propaganda, and political machine. And now he’s watched his own father take a bullet half an inch from his brain.
In other words, this is Barron’s entire world. Watching people lie about your dad 24 hours a day for years on end is how the world works for him. Watching people literally shoot your dad in the head is how the world works. Reading about people wishing death on your own mother, big brothers and sisters, is just how the world works for him.
These traumas are scarring themselves on his brain as it’s still rapidly developing. Can you imagine how angry this kid is right now? At 18 years old with limited emotional and impulse control? Hormones raging? Dad bleeding from his head with a fresh gunshot wound?
The fact that Barron is leaning towards politics already is heart warming but not surprising. His dad is his ultimate masculine example, and throughout Barron’s entire adolescence daddy has been 100% focused on the political battle of our lifetimes. All out political warfare is what real men do in Barron’s mind, because that’s been his 24/7 example. We should all hope that Barron becomes a ruthless and unstoppable political machine later in life. The stage is set. The sleeper will awaken.
I’m not as sure about Eric and Don Jr. I think this shooting will radicalize them, but not to the same extent as Barron. Hopefully one of the elder sons will carry the torch until Barron is of age. Neither are as alpha as big daddy - they are both a bit soft for me - but I believe both are honorable men who will strive to honor their father’s legacy.
Fourth, I think it’s likely the shadow government will take another shot at Trump. Could be soon, could be just before he’s sworn in, could be inauguration day. I doubt it will be by the same method. I think they’ll switch to a bomb or handgun. No doubt Trump’s suit is bulletproof to handgun fire, but his head is still exposed. It only takes 1 shot.
What’s worse, is that the recent attempt on his life I think ups the chances of a genuine copy cat. No deep state needed, just some insane commie who thinks he’s going to “stop Hitler”. These people are not likely to succeed without help, but, they can.
Fifth, I think Trump’s FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT soul pump is America’s last stand for courage and patriotism absent open war. This country is drowning in soy boy beta male pussies, but, there is still some alpha energy left. Our soil is still stained with the blood of the founding generation. Trump is the last chance we have to peacefully change the system and set the tone of this century.
Not long ago the Soviet Union collapsed. The American Union is also facing imminent collapse. The difference is that the Russians were used to being poor and miserable. They are the kings of dark humor for a reason. Dark humor is like food to them, you don’t get it. A collapse of the American empire will be far more severe, and since America is the leader of Western Civilization, our collapse will have a far reaching domino effect.
In other words, what may begin as a Soviet style collapse, will quickly lead to the next fall of Rome. There will be nowhere to go and nowhere to run.
World War 3 is looming. Many believe we’re already in the beginning stages. That the wars in Ukraine and Israel are not isolated events but the first waves of larger battles to come. Sides are forming. Nuclear war is on the table, and America can’t win a conventional war against multiple at parity enemies. Our country is teetering on bankruptcy and our military is filled with trannies, chicks with dicks, and fat women.
Now congress has passed a bill “automatically” registering young men for military slavery. This is not random or an accident. They know what’s coming and they need a lot of young men to send to the meat grinder, to die for nothing in yet another fake and gay war. If “the draft” is activated, make sure you help every young man you can dodge and defy it by any means necessary. Military slavery is evil and it has no place in America. Anyone advocating it today is your enemy and the enemy of America. They are traitors.
No doubt if they actually enact a draft that there will be some grand excuse. It won’t just pop out nowhere. There will be some sort of terrorist attack or world changing event. They will rope the boomers in first as a tool to shame and manipulate their children. They will prey on your patriotism and masculinity like parasites. Reject all of it, and defy all of it, or die trying.
Sixth, pastor Michael Foster had a great idea and live event for the past couple years called “County Before Country”. This was localism on steroids. At this point, you need to step back and take real stock of where you live. If you live in a blue shithole, 2020 should have been your wake up call to move. July 13th was your second wakeup call. You need to move to a deep red county in a deep red state as soon as you can. This is not a total or permanent solution, but it is a good solution that buys you a degree of safety and time. If the delivery trucks stop moving, you’re going to have 3-4 days tops before shit hits the fan. The toilet paper wars of 2020 will be a mouse fart by comparison.
Seventh, you need to start prepping. I was first introduced to “prepping” by Neil Strauss in 2009 when his book Emergency published. I’m not a big fan of Neil at this point in my life, but this book was helpful in opening my eyes to how critical being prepared is. A bad hurricane can ruin or end your life in Florida, and there are much bigger dangers on the horizon. Again 2020 should have been a wake up call for you. When the pumpkin spice lattes stop flowing, shit will get real.
You need to have several months of food on hand. Some ability to purify water. As many guns as you can effectively use, and at least 1,000 rounds stocked up per gun. If you don’t know your neighbors, today is a good time to start knowing them. You need to be healthy and strong. If you’re a fat fucking beta male, today is a good time to quit. To be healthy you have to eat healthy. Read my book.
Eighth, you need to support Trump like your life depends on it, because in some ways, it does. Send him as much money as you can. Harass your friends and family to do the same. Be the asshole, be aggressive, pick fights with people. Speak up and stop being nice. Anyone who is explicitly “anti-Trump” at this point is your enemy. That person is mentally retarded and a happy slave to the system. They aren’t capable of human level critical thinking. They look human but their thinking capacity is sub-human. They are animals.
The people openly wishing death on Trump, celebrating the death of the fireman from the rally, and the kind of people wishing death on my own family, are just the most vocal versions of this. These people cannot be reasoned with. There will be no peace or “unity” with these people, ever. I think it’s dumb that Trump is pushing “unity” although I’m not the man in the arena. I do think this kind of garbage messaging is the direct fault of Christian philosophy. Remember that their highest moral example is a sacrificial lamb being slaughtered for moral degenerates. Their idea of paradise is being completely ignorant and a totally obedient slave. Their ideas got America into this mess and cannot be used to get us out of it.
Ninth, don’t take for granted that the federal government will even exist 10 years from now. There’s no guarantee your country will even exist 2 years from now. All empires collapse, all fiat currencies collapse. This is not a matter of if but when. It’s likely the housing market and stock market will collapse this decade, even with Trump getting in . The deep state trying to dump both on his head would be a top priority. I do think Trump will make America better. I also believe we’re in the late stages of an empire. Stolen elections, major economic problems, obesity epidemics, skyrocketing debt, world war looming, severe civil unrest, political candidates getting shot, chicks with dicks walking around, and a sexual marketplace in free fall. A nation of fat single moms cannot and will not survive even one generation.
I don’t mean to doom and gloom. It’s obvious to me that we’re on the verge of the next dark age or the next golden age. Both are on the table. Meaning, you need to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Or as Trump might put it, fight for the best and prepare for the worst.
Finally, as I warned you just a few weeks ago on this newsletter, this year is going to get crazy. What you've seen happen thus far is just the beginning. More historic events are going to happen. Remember, this fight is victory or death for both sides. If they steal it from Trump, they will kill him. They can't risk him running again or even continuing to speak as an ex-President.
Trump winning will not be the end of that journey, it will be an escalation. That's when the Burning, Looting, and Murdering begins. You may also see major escalations in our foreign proxy wars. The Jews are backing Trump which is good, but many other countries are on a knife's edge.
Whoever takes the throne on January 20th is going to shape the world.
/s/ Anthony Dream Johnson